Angelina Jolie has been promoting her new movie the Changeling
big time, and this week the Jolie-Pitt family landed in London. During a press conference about the film the actress likened her character Christine Collins to her own mother, who died of cancer last year. As she began to say that her mother's name was Marcheline but "everyone would call her marshmallow as a joke", Jolie welled-up and cursed "f**k" as she tried to compose herself. The mother of six continued her emotional tribute: "She was really sweet and was never angry... But when it came to her kids, she was really fierce and so this is very much her story." In reaction to her comments last week about wanting to fade- away from movies, Jolie said: "I’m not making some retirement announcement. I have a big family and a lot of responsibility at home, and I have the good fortune to financially not have to work all the time.. Maybe eventually I'll stop [acting]." And when a reporter asked, "Can we expect more children soon?" she replied, "Sure, you can!"

In a new interview with Allure magazine Scarlett Johansson addresses her feud with Lindsey Lohan, who famously wrote crude graffiti about Johansson in a New York toilet cubicle 2½ years ago. The new Mrs Reynolds explained her shock at the incident: "I really don’t know that person. I only met her, like, three times... I don’t know what
the motivation was behind that. I remember it was something really vulgar — I mean, shockingly so, like, 'Whoa, what, who are you?'". Johansson at least has the affection of singer Katy Perry, who penned her track 'I kissed a girl' about the actress' lips: "That's flattering, but my lips are kind of taken." But when asked how the newlywed met Ryan Reynolds she remained coy, saying "Nobody knows. It's private. It's our story."

Over the weekend the Internet was abuzz with rumours that Ashlee and Pete Wentz had welcomed their first child, but the husky-voiced singer is still very much pregnant and according to sister Jessica Simpson, she may need to be induced: "They're going to have to. It's already developing really quick", she told The Ellen DeGeneres Show. The older Simpson added that Ashlee has been trying various things to encourage labour: "Different foot massages and stuff... I think she's really just jumping around trying everything right now." Good luck to the parents-to-be!

And finally... As promised below are some more quotes from the Jennifer Aniston Vogue interview. In other Aniston news the Marley and Me star Dined with beau John Mayer last night at LA's Sunset Towers Hotel. According to People.com the couple "were very happy and goofy... They seemed to revel in their privacy." They were seen talking to Nicole Richie and Joel Madden who were also dining there, and Richie later gave the actress an "exaggerated, very happy wave"...new Friends perhaps? Enjoy new Jen quotes below!
- On Vince Vaughn: "I call Vince my defibrillator... He literally brought me back to life. My first gasp of air was a big laugh! It was great. I love him. He's a bull in a china shop. He was lovely and fun and perfect for the time we had together. And I needed that. And it sort of ran its course."
- On John Mayer and his outburst to reporters after they briefly split in August: ...I feel seriously protective of him and us. Trust me, you'll never see that happen again from that man. And it doesn't take away from the fact that he is a wonderful guy. We care about each other. It's funny when you hit a place in a relationship and you both realize, We maybe need to do something else, but you still really, really love each other. It's painful. There was no malicious intent. I deeply, deeply care about him; we talk, we adore one another. And that's where it is."

- On her divorce from Brad Pitt: "Well, it never was that bad. I mean, look, it's not like divorce is something that you go, 'Oooh, I can't wait to get divorced!' It doesn't feel like a tickle. But I've got to tell you, it's so vague at this point, it's so faraway in my mind, I can't even remember the darkness. I mean, in the end, we really had an amicable split. It wasn't mean and hateful and all of this stuff that they tried to create about Brad can't talk to Jen and Jen can't talk to Brad because this person won't allow it. It just didn't happen. The marriage didn't work out. And pretty soon after we separated, we got on the phone and we had a long, long conversation with each other and said a lot of things, and ever since we've been unbelievably warm and respectful of each other."
On the ideal of marriage: "Whoever said everything has to be forever, that's setting your hopes too high. It's too much pressure. And I think if you put that pressure on yourself—because I did! Fairy tale! It has to be the right one!—that's unattainable."