I always try to do a weekend round-up to start Monday with the best selection of news, but this post is slightly different for the simple reason that this weekend was all about Brad and Angelina!
The couple had there first post-twins appearance together and the whole world was waiting for a glimpse. The recent speculation of post-natal depression and rowing only intensified attention on Angie's premiere of The Challenging. The pair put on a united front and Ange spilled the beans on being a mother of six. Check out below for a selection of the best photos and quotes from the weekend.
- On finding time for her and Brad: "Even if we lock the door, the children come knocking. We often try to have a bath alone together at the end of the night and sit and talk, but they hear the water and want to jump in."
- On coping with six children: "We are a little bit [sleep deprived]. We have some help a couple of nights a week, so on those nights we catch up on our sleep... But it's fun and it's lovely - the thing about having six kids is once you've passed three or four it's so crazy anyway that it's just more chaos and it's all OK. It's so much fun but it's very hard work".
- On the twins: "The twins are just the sweetest little things. They lay next to each other. They're starting to smile a lot. Knox looks like Brad and Vivienne looks more like me. They are developing interesting personalities. Knox seems more relaxed and Vivienne is more loud."
- On the other children being with the twins: "They're funny. They want to help a lot now, but they're still so little, so it's like trying to change a diaper, you have to be careful because they squeeze them so tight. The kids are forming beautiful friendships. They're teamm
ates and they're very loving to the babies."
- On how she looks so good after giving birth: "I run around with all the other kids, and I'm breastfeeding, which I think is a part of your body's recovery. I feel great, feel very happy that they're healthy."
- On having more kids: "We're going to have more kids one way or another... I think we're going to wait a little while."

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